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Saturday, June 25, 2005

As everyone who knows me understands, I'm in love with Jon Stewart. If he weren't Jewish, I would go to Massachusetts to marry him. Showing once again why he is the freshest thing on TV since Mr. Clean debuted on commercials, he pontificates about hyperbolic rhetoric in the U.S. Senate "reality show," and then goes on to discuss the devious "War on Christianity." It is Stewart at his satirical best.

Talk Talk Talk


  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger Ben A. Johnson said…

    I think you're just using religion as a way to hide from your feelings. If you really loved Jon Stewart, it wouldn't matter if he was Jewish or not. I know it doesn't matter to me.

  • At 4:45 AM, Blogger The Oracles said…

    actually, i was using religion to make a joke, juxtaposing my supposed dislike of Jews with my willingness to pursue a gay marriage. The clash of acceptance with abhorrence.

  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger Ben A. Johnson said…

    perhaps you didnt get my joke...


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