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Monday, May 16, 2005

Frank Rich continues to impress with his recent spate of columns on Conservative social hypocrisy and recklessness. Today he talks the classic Senate movie "Advise and Consent," and talks about the evolution of the 30-year war against homosexuality. Just How Gay Is the Right?

The NYTimes is starting a new series on class in America, the first article weighs in at a lowly 6 full pages. It's a fascinating read that claims class mobility is actually decreasing in the United States, despite the common perception that mobility has increased. Class in America

Review of Freakonomics, the best-selling new book by economist Steven Levitt, which seeks to find the answers to questions no one ever considers. I can't wait to read this myself, as I've been following Levitt's blogging at his homepage. Here's the book review: Freakonomics

And Nicholas Kristof talks about a new book by a former Episcopal bishop that explores how the Bible has been misused and misinterpreted by conservatives on issues such as women, death, and sex, in past centuries Liberals and the Bible


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