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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Why am I happy, despite having just worked a 15 hour bartending shift where I was projectile puked upon? Because critics are saying good or even great things about the final Star Wars movie, saying it is a great way to end the series, or even that it is the best movie since the Empire Strikes Back. Anyone else starting to feel a little bit like the old magic may be back for 2 final hours?


  • At 4:42 PM, Blogger Ben A. Johnson said…

    After the Red Sox won the World Series or whatever sporting event it is that they compete in, Rob Cordry (of the Daily Show) was doing a segment with Jon Stewart, and Jon asked Rob what the mood was, and Cordry replied "Cautiously optimistic." Since the Red Sox had been known to "screw things up before." That's how I'm approaching this final Star Wars... Although, I think the first two (that is eps. I and II, not eps. IV and V) also got good ratings... it was only after they sank in that they sucked.

  • At 12:49 AM, Blogger The Oracles said…

    So far, though, the Tomatometer rating of Star Wars Ep III (the collected averaging out of good and bad reviews) is 87%, which is 20% higher than Eps. I and II, and even higher than Return of the Jedi. Of course, many critics have yet to weigh in, but I think this at least indicates it wont be a stinker.

    On another note, two of my Boys State citizens just facebooked me. Who taught them how to use computers?

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Ben A. Johnson said…

    babies havin' babies...


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